You Are Never Alone

YANA holds meetings from 6:15 am until 9pm nearly every day, 11pm on Friday’s. Please check the calendar Tab for AA, Al-Anon, Al-Ateen, and Adult Children of Alcoholics (ACOA) meeting schedules and maps.

Welcome to YANA


From its small beginnings in 1977, the Yana Foundation has grown to a membership of approximately 200 individuals. Currently over 1,000 persons a week are using the Yana Foundation’s facilities.


Meetings are held at 1185 Lake McGregor Drive, Monday-Sunday, day and night. Check the calendar for the categories of meetings held and their respective dates and times.


YANA sends emails and posts updates here regularly to inform members and visitors about what’s happening at our clubhouse.

The YANA Foundation, Inc.

a non-profit corporation, 501(c)(3), located in Fort Myers, FL. We are designed for our members to meet and share their experience, strength and hope with each other because of our common concern for people trying to achieve and maintain a life free from the use of alcohol and other chemicals. Our doors opened in 1977 and it is self supporting and runs solely on memberships, donations from individuals, groups who have meetings here, and others. We have over 45 groups that meet weekly.

Our History

In 1976 doors to the “Under the Bridge Club” in downtown Fort Myers at the entrance to the Caloosahatchee Bridge closed forever. A small group of displaced members found a place to meet in North Fort Myers and founded the Dry Palms Club. A second group looking for a facility which might serve as a meeting place, discovered a building which once housed a small church-complete with a baptismal pool. The building was abandoned and dilapidated and described as “a shameful rat hole” by one of the founding members. Nevertheless, a deal was struck with the building owner, Mr. Alan Baum, who agreed to six months of free rent in exchange for labor and materials to make the place look presentable.

Meetings held daily
from 6:15am to 9pm

April 27, 2024
9:00 am

Serenity Seekers AlAnon

10:30 am

A Way of Life AA

12:00 pm

Brown Baggers AA

3:30 pm

Miracle Group AA

5:30 pm

Daily Reprieve AA

AA, Al-Anon, Al-Ateen & Adult Children of Alcoholics

Our singleness of purpose is to provide a safe, clean, and supportive environment in which 12 Step members can work at changing their lives. The work of the Foundation is carried out by an elected Board of Directors of nine members, who donate their time and energy to which are responsible to maintain the facilities, and to plan future growth, and be responsive to the members.

YANA Foundation News

The most recent news to keep you informed!